Get an impression of how to build complex APEX applications which are still easy to maintain.#Sweoug
Next prominent speaker on the APEX event list is Tobias Arnhold. Tobias is an Oracle APEX and business intelligence consultant. Tobias is...
National electronic IDs - Authentication as a Service using APEX.#SweougApex17
Mathias Magnusson is the managing director at Miracle Sweden. Mathias has more than 20+ years experience using Oracle products. SWEOUG...
Learn directly from the creator of the Apex Universal Theme#SweougApex17
Shakeeb Rahman is Software Development Manager at Oracle and leads design for Oracle Application Express (APEX). Shakeeb will be speaking...
Insider News from the APEX Development Lab#SweougApex17
Carsten Czarski will be speaking at APEX2017 event in Stockholm!Using Oracle DB this is a must see. Carsten is a principal member of...
REST services with the Oracle Database and APEX#SweougApex17
SWEOUG are proud to announce that Carsten Czarski will be speaking at the APEX2017 event. Learn how to access REST services from within...
300 APEX projects at the Deutsche Bahn AG
We are excited to announce that Matthias Nöll & Richard Rieb will be two of the speakers at APEX2017 in Stockholm. The Deutsche Bahn AG...
Save the date, APEX tech day!
On the 30th of August 2017, SWEOUG will host the APEX conference 2017(#SweougApex17). The Event will be held in Stockholm. We're getting...
The AWR Meetup
Thank you Björn for a most professional and interesting presentation about the AWR Warehouse.
Tuning Recipes With AWR Warehouse
Consolidate all your performance data into one repository. Offload your production systems with an AWR warehouse. Analyse, compare,...
The Flyway Meetup
Another great Meetup! Göran Paues from Tradedoubler gave us a very interesting presentation and demonstration of the open-source product...