Jun 18, 2018
Oracle Database high availability from client perspective
Presenters: Priit Piipuu and Ilmar Kerm
In this presentation we will look deep into high availability technologies Oracle RAC provides for database clients, what actually happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during planned maintenance or unplanned downtime. This presentation will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.
May 14, 2018
Running Javascript in your Oracle DB
In Oracle 12c, the Oracle Database Multilingual Engine (MLE) was introduced. Basically MLE makes it possible to run stored procedures and user-defined functions written in JavaScript and TypeScript. With MLE you can easily deploy and run your JavaScript functions within the Oracle database. Oracle Labs are working on extending multilingual support to include other languages like Python. MLE is built on top of GraalVM.
Speaker for this event is Thomas Wuerthinger. Senior Research Director at Oracle Labs
Nov 30, 2017
Bryn Llewelyn master class on EBR
This is a training that at Oracle University would be billed as a master class with a much higher cost than an ordinary course. Being able to attend this is training at a quality you seldom get and getting it for free makes it one of the best training opportunities for Oracle specialists this year.
Nov 21, 2017
Oracle Day 2017
Oct 23, 2017
Nordic Ace Tour 2017
We're visited by three Oracle ACEs talking about the coolest technologies in the red stack.
Aug 29, 2017
May 15, 2017
Tuning Tips with AWR warehouse
Apr 24, 2017
Keep your database under version control with Flyway
Mar 27, 2017
Come and talk Docker with us. It is a hot topic right now and will only get hotter.
Jan 23, 2017
Hear the selected presentation what will be held in the US in february at RMOUG
Jan 17, 2017
Sep 29, 2016
08.30 - 12.00
Oracle OTN Nordic Tour