Let's wreck this together#SweougApex17
We are very happy to see such an engagement in the APEX2017 event. 70 sign-ups so far. For you who haven't signed up yet, this is the last chance. We have two sponsors for this event, SYSCO and Miracle Sweden. If you want to be a sponsor for the next event, get in contact with SWEOUG.

Let's wreck this together with:
Carsten Czarski
Principal Member of Technical Staff for Oracle Application Express
Application Express and the REST of the world
Insider News from the APEX Development Lab
Matthias Nöll & Richard Rieb
IT consultants at DB Systel GmbH
Agile application development – How APEX is used at Deutsche Bahn AG
Shakeeb Rahman
Software Development Manager at Oracle and leads design for Oracle Application Express (APEX)
The Center of the Universal Theme
Tobias Arnhold
IT consultant in the field of Oracle APEX and Business Intelligence
What is “Standard APEX”?Get an impression of how to build complex APEX applications which are still easy to maintain.
Mathias Magnusson
Managing Director Miracle Sweden
Authentication as a Service using APEX